I had a high school group in today. The show was supposed to be about navigation. I can do that, but not for the whole hour... "There's the North Star. You use it to find North. The higher up it is the more North you are." What do I do for the other 59 minutes and 37 seconds?
Well, I talked about how the sky has been used for lots of reference... map, compass, calendar, illustrated storybook. AND we went on lots of tangents of stuff the kids seemed interested in. I thought it went well. It was actually a fun and interesting show. The kids seemed happy -- however, teachers did not seem thrilled. It's OK, I can't win them all. Or maybe they were happy, and just don't show it much.
It was a small group and a lot of questions came up during the show. I can deal with this in a group this size, and it worked great. We were talking about Betelgeuse a little, and the kids were wondering if, when it goes supernova, it would hurt us here on Earth. I assured them it would not. One kid had a follow-up question: "I was wondering... are penguins immune to radiation?"
Just when I think I've heard every possible question, somebody chucks me a curveball like that!