Monday, November 21, 2005

Like a star...

Hey, all. Long time no write. Sorry is me.

The groups are coming fast and furious-like. I know I have lots of stories that I didn't jot down, and now are totally gone. This makes me sad. I know that when I go back and review old entries there are many stories which I wouldn't have remembered otherwise , or didn't remember at all. I realize that this is no "Diary of Anne Frank", but it's nice to have a memior, of sorts, so I need to come back and do this more. This my Thanksgiving Resolution (New Year's is still too far off).

Also, when I look back, I am horrified at the misspellings and back grammar. I need to hire a proofreader.... yeeps.

Anyway... the other day I had a group from the Teaneck Community Charter School. They were rowdy. They were mostly into it, but they had a level of adrenaline unfit for an hour in a dark room.

One kid did make me laugh.

I was describing the star Rigel in Orion. It's blueish looking. I told them that blue stars are generally hot stars. AND, generally, they are newer stars. I said, when you see a blue star, you can be fairly certain that you can say, "It's new, it's blue, and it's hot."

One boy said, with a real smooth street-pimp-sounding accent, "Just like me."

This was fourth grade, by the way.