Ah, the kindergarten group. 5 and 6 year old kids. They are truly a joy. It's been a while since I have written about the wonder of the pre-k grade level.
This group was very excited. They all had questions as the lights were going down.
"Are we going to see stars?" one kid asked.
"What do you think?" I responded.
"Maybe!" he aswered excitedly.
"Are we going to see planets?!" another asked.
"What do you think?" I said again.
"Maybe!" was the response.
"Are we going to see the moon??!!??" a third asked. Each of these was asked with slightly more fervor than the last.
"Well, what do you think?"
"MAYBE!" a couple kids said together, and they all giggled.
A girl was kind of hunched down in her seat with her hand up. "Do you have a question?" I approached and asked her.
"Am I going to scream my eyes out?" she asked.
Whoa. That was unexpected. But a couple kids, as if ready for this, yelled out, "MAYBE!"
"I don't think you will, actually," I told her. She looked very unconvinced.
She actually did not scream her eyes out; in fact, I don't think she screamed at all, thank goodness.
Later, at the end of the show, there was time for questions.
One boy raised his hand, "Is O'Brien going to kill Thomas?" (He pronounced "Thomas" like this: "Toe-mas".)
It took me a second to figure this one out. I remembered we had looked at Orion and Taurus, and saw that they were right next to each other in the sky.
And, I had said that they were fighting up in the sky.
"His name is actually Orion, not O'Brien," I told the kid.
"Is he going to kill Toe-mas?" he asked, this time with more urgency.
"Taurus," I told him. "Taurus the Bull."
"Is O'Brien going to kill Toe-mas?" he asked, as if the last 15 seconds had never occured.
"No, they are kind of just stuck there, frozen in the same spot," I told him.
"OK," he said.
"Are there any other questions?" I asked.
I looked around the room, but the only hand up was the one boy who had just asked me the previous question. I looked around one more time to see if anyone else had a question. It was only him. "Yes?" I prompted him.
"Is Toe-mas gonna kill O'Brien?"
"It's Taurus," I told him, "Taurus the Bull. And Orion."
(You know exactly what his response was...) "Is Toe-mas gonna kill O'Brien?" he asked identically.
"Nope. They're stuck next to each other. I think they're friends, actually."
He gave me look which seemed to indicate that he knew I was lying.